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 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:24 am

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:36 pm
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Guys... please don't waste your time with so many facts that are not inside this topic...

Let's get back to the quality and hang - bell comparison?... PLUS... please made your comments with a good base... if anyone have tested an integral hang for example + a bell at the SAME TIME. Please post your experience and what do you think about it. I thought (FOR ME) there's a huge difference between each instrument, I'm maybe a too much demanding guy about quality results? YES I am... also if I must pay about 1400 € for one Bell or Hang.

As I said before, there's a bunch of messages of me against PANART... but, after some DEEP investigation and meeting with people like Ravid Goldscmidt about the MUSIC and non-music properties of the HANG and the hang makers philosophy I understood a lot of things... I changed my position for a moment to understand what is inside the minds of the hang creators and the people that defend PANART... once again there's so many questions and topics that I can't get an answer if i not meet with the hang creators some day (if I'll get the opportunity). I understood that is wasting time to make speculation and hard discussions if you don't meet and compare these instruments in person, as I said after testing the HALO, SPACEDRUM, CAISA, BELL and HANG... (FOR ME) I find it that the best quality in materials and sound was in the PANART hang, even if is a 1st. generation of hang hang. You could buy an imitation of a FENDER stratocaster guitar, but if you have patience and the money in your pocket you could maybe bought a MADE IN USA fender stratocaster guitar for one reason = QUALITY, BETTER BALANCE ON EACH STRING, SOUND, WEIGHT, etc. If you really know and catch why a chinese stratocaster is NOT better than the fender startocaster made in the US, you will find also (and really quick) the difference between the PANart hang and the BELLart bell.

This is my opinion guys, I could not understand now some Panart procedures with their HANG demand, but if we are most talking about quality, and sound capabilities (FOR ME) there's nothing better as a HANG at the moment. Maybe in the future some guy or company could build a SOUND SCULPTURE better than the hang and I will send my letter or order to have one, but for now if I can't buy a hang, I would not send 1400 € to the trash with another COPY or IMITATION instrument.

That's my thoughts. Hope you'll not misunderstood my words. I was in the Bell list (position 192), and I decided to go out from that list because the bell doesn't match with what I want. Please try to focus your post around the real TOPIC... the quality behind all of those metal instruments... I hate when people said, "Well I bought a CAISA because would be impossible to get a hang" ... ARRRGG!!!,, why people bought something that not captivate and full your necessities in 100% ???

My advice for you guys, try to get back to the topic and stop using malicious or cynic comments around this and other topics (i do it the same in the past) and is wasting time, I assumed that is REALLY WASTING time. Bought the metal instrument you want but perhaps do that with some bases about music or quality aspects and not just for fun, or because you want to be cool with a bell or hang in your hands.



Last edited by Massimiliano on Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:39 pm

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Sorry my intentions are not to put people in a corner with my questions, just asking things as I want to know. I didn’t realize it would get peoples backs up, just pointing out the obvious too me, no need to answer my questions I’ll leave it all alone

HangOut in the UK 16th - 18th September 2011, Farnham, UK - a weekend of music from around the world

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:43 pm

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The statement that Felix and Sabina *are* gods was preceded by 'In the world of Hang'. It's a bit silly to take this statement literally 'if you think so, you have a big problem.' They invented it, they developed it, they are the only people in the world that can make a Hang. If they choose to not retune a Hang, that Hang will not get retuned. With which I am not replying they use that power wrongly - I'm just pointing out they do have a lot of power in the world of Hang. Also, the Hang is not a Yamaha guitar. The personal connection to the makers is evident for a lot of Hang players, especially the ones that had the pleasure to choose their own instrument and meet with F&S.

The reason I felt bad playing my Hang was because I felt like I was wrong, I believed that I did not understand the Hang. That was a very hard concept for me which really puzzled me. And I challenge all the Hang players reading, to really imagine you in my shoes, with Felix telling you that :). I held them in TOO high regard. My thought was they, as inventors and makers, must be right when they talk about the Hang which automatically would make it true that I do not understand the Hang. A big blow! I know they themselves were not so sure of what the Hang was or why it was so powerful in touching people. They now have a clear concept of this which I understand and respect. Even though they are who they are, I came to the realization that their interpretations of the Hang and feelings about it are not holy, and do not have to be mine.

This does not mean I don't respect their interpretation - it's a part of mine aswell. I just don't agree that that excludes my other interpretation of the Hang (the musical one :)). For me it's definitely both, I don't see right and wrong there and I refuse potential judgement because I play music. I can think of reasons why F&S are not happy with the BElls (mostly their pride as Hang creators & tuners) but I can find positive points aswell. And as the demand is so high and they don't offer choices in tuning, I think it's understandable that some people, even Hang owners, would like to get a BElls or a Halo.

Some people fear that if they speak their mind on this subject, the wrath of Felix and Sabina will come down on them, and they will be denied retunes. I had this fear a bit, but now I refuse to any longer, because this, together with the feeling of 'playing the wrong way' took away a lot of the magic of the Hang for me. I have always tried to speak my mind and speak the truth to Felix and Sabina in a respectful way, even if it was a different sound and one they did not agree on. Perhaps they were not interested in or open to my thoughts on the Hang. Perhaps sometimes I was too direct or blunt :). But the reason I did this and felt I could, is because I have enough confidence in their reasonable nature, and I think it's important to be honest and clear with eachother in communicating. I cannot imagine them denying me a retune because of this (even though rumours about retune refusals have been going around which state different reasons) as I have always been respectful to them and to my Hang :).

I know the fear of possibly being denied a retune lives among quite some Hang players. Mostly the ones that jam with their Hanghang with other musicians and make music with their Hang, perhaps play on the street and sell CD's, have one or more 'handpans', post videos on YouTube, etc etc. When they got their Hanghang this was not frowned upon but today, these things are not in line with PANArt philosophy on the Hang anymore. I do think it would be good to, even if just to take some of this fear away and clear the air, have an official statement by PANArt stating the retune conditions, and the obligations of both the Hang player aswell as them as the tuners.

Last edited by pulpfiction1 on Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:50 pm

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Spot on response there Pulp... couldn't have put it better myself :) but i'll try

The fear is of not being accepted.... PANart not liking you for what you are doing with your instrument. the fear of not getting a retune should your Hang go off by chance.

Most if it not all know that Rob and I organise the HangOut, Felix has already said that he doesn't support the event as its not in line with the current vision of PANart on how a Hang should be used but has given us his blessing as far as I know to carry on with it.

I've been told in the past that I do not care what PANart think, I think I actually care too much and thats the problem.

I worry that because I organise a weekend event where people come to play their Hang on stage, run workshops with people on the different techniques they use to play their Hang, a place where people who cannot get a Hang whether that be because they cannot afford it or because they have received the rejection letter get a chance to sit and play on a Hang, a chance a small weekend window of opportunity for all to enjoy... that's the reason i worry for my Hang not getting a retune, as such I cannot even tell you the last time I played it... months ago.

I actually think that maybe i'm going through what Pulp has been through and come out the other side, I worry what is thought of me.

I worry that things I say on here are going to get back to PANart via Frank or IX who in my own perception are close to PANart and I know that Frank has talked with Felix about the HangOut, he told me. Call it paranoia but its not born of my own imagination… this is something felt by a huge swathe of Hang owners, people I’ve spoken too, people who’ve written on both forums people who like me probably didn’t want to speak out about how they felt.

The change in sands came gradually by either hearsay or text written in forums by people who have been to visit Felix, tales of no retune for people who do not play the hang correctly? Hence my questioning of how do you play the Hang correctly then? What do I have to do to ensure my Hang gets a retune in the future??? Or is it already too late??

So if I buy a BELL (not likely, I can’t afford one) does that automatically put me in the pool for not getting a retune? If I buy a Halo or even talk fondly of it on the forum what comes then???

This world of paranoia is festering, it’s building into something bigger and I’m afraid it’s either hearsay that’s caused it or there are fundamental deeper lying issues that are actually emanating from the Hanghaus, issues that are affecting every Hang owner that frequents the forums (or maybe there is the answer and forums are evil).

Of course I would hope beyond hope that it’s all hearsay… I’ve tried to book some time to visit Felix after we exchanged a few emails earlier in the year but that was never acknowledged, furthering my own speculations and almost confirming the hearsay.

I’m writing this as best I can with my heart on my sleeve…. I’ve held it in for too long and I think now is the time to unburden myself. Some may think its weak of me to do this… I hope the vast majority actually understand it, not all will I know but I need to get this out.

So my question does still stand in a way, what is the right way to play a Hang to ensure continued acceptance and retunes from PANart??

HangOut in the UK 16th - 18th September 2011, Farnham, UK - a weekend of music from around the world

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:29 pm

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:36 pm
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@ pulpfiction1. I understand your point and I'm agree with you in some of the ideas you posted until now inside this topic. But again lets try to get back this topic and just talk about quality. The PANART philosophy + the other metal instruments makers philosophy must be discussed in another new forum topic.

@ Werner, I felt and discovered lot of the facts about quality of the BELL you mentioned when I was making my own exploration and comparison between an Integral hang and a bell. I also tested the 1st. of hang hang in aeolian scale from Ravid with a bell sound and material quality and the conclusions (FOR ME) was the same… BELLS are made in a different way, the bells looks like more thicker and fragile than a 1st. generation or integral hang. So my own feeling was "Why i would spent 1400 € for a bad imitation of hang?" that also didn't captivate me?

At this point I just want to introduce my own reflection and open conclusion about the all discussion until now:

The HANG it's made by two persons (human persons even if you don't like their philosophy and their hang acquisition procedures), with the tremendous knowledge about the instrument that inspired other makers to deploy the HALO, CAISA, BELL, SPACE DRUM, DISCO ARMONICO and many more that for sure will come in the future. If you are not sure about some statements about PANART or you are also disagree with them, you will never know WHY? the hang makers act in some ways until you don't meet them in person (of course if you have the opportunity)… But the truth (FOR ME) is that the hang have a HIGH quality sound and materials indeed… and that's the reason of why I sent my letters to PANart, and still waiting the opportunity to get one. If I want to understand how PANart works is because their instruments (sound sculptures) are really good (FOR ME). I can still disagree with their vision if I got a hang but that is a normal and human life rule.

The BELL is made by one man (human person also) and as Funky said, maybe there's an ARMY STEEL PAN FORCE behind it making hang imitations with low quality tune and materials in masses, but this is something that all of us in this forum decide to BELIEVE or NOT or also CONFIRM JUST WHEN YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO TEST THE TWO INSTRUMENTS AT THE SAME TIME ;-) (hang + bell). I don't have the intentions to meet Luis in person at the moment because the instrument (the bell) didn't touch me really deep… I don't like the look and feel, materials and of course THE SOUND of the Bell. So why i'll must meet with a guy that build something that I don't like?, something that I understood would not satisfy my own inner spiritual or musical necessities… this is my conclusion regarding the comparison between the HANG and BELL.

So I think we have the same situation between both makers… there will be people that think Luis it's a kind of HERO, and who think that he just want to make money with the BELL (remember that PANART also got lot of many making hang hangs), so the MONEY behind this revolution of hand pan metal instruments (FOR ME) would be better to discuss in another topic forum. Imagine that I have the opportunity to get a FIH and visit the hang-haus with a big illusion and gratitude… then after to try about 10 to 20 FIH I decide do not buy the instrument because the latests scale and FIH sound don't satisfy me… which is the problem about that? God Dam if PANart have the power to refuse tuning service to anybody we have also the power do not buy a FIH if not works for you… right?. That's the reason of why I asked in another forum room here that people post their FIH videos and experience… I want to know if still waiting for a hang would be good for me or not.

Guys!!! WE DECIDE!!! which instrument (or sound sculpture) we want to acquire and play in our life, perhaps if we must wait many years to get it… and this one last example of the situation between PANart and BELLart, a friend of mine that own a second generation of hang hang call me "CRAZY" because I sent my email to Luis saying "REMOVE MY NAME FROM YOUR LIST"… My friend says, you will never know if PANART will invite you to the hang-haus… and my answer was "WHO CARES?" I don't want to buy a low quality sound sculpture, I want to buy/own a QUALITY sound sculpture/instrument… if it's not possible WHAT I CAN DO?... I was father 8 months ago… my son was born and I understood that there is something much bigger and deep than a hang or bell in my life and it's my son. So again if I got the chance to acquire a hang " THANKS GOD" if not "THANKS GOD AGAIN"… I decide.



 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:19 pm

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I decided to move the posts about the hang tuning issue to a new topic: Worries about tuning

Please stick to the topic of this thread: The quality of the Bells.
Open new threads to discuss other topics.

Ix Mod

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:53 pm

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i wonder that many people dont care about the quality of such "instruments".
Do you real need only a round item, with correct fundamental note and a few correct overtones?

I ask again. Because i know, that there are Hangplayer who feel the difference on quality in the Hangsound.

PANArt could easy make every day a lot of instruments like the Bells!
Do you want that? They have the know how. They have the tools. They could start tommorow. I think they could make easy every day 10 or more instruments in Bell quality.
Do you want that?

Answer this question please! Should Panart make an instrument like the Bell? 10 per day. 300 per month. 3000 per year?
A lot of work could done by back stuff. Like cleaning, lacquering ...... and so on. It is likely, that they can make more as in my example.
Of course the must stop to make the Hang as we know it today, if they want to do that.

This is a serious question.


The hang brings back what we lost: we are touched by an unknown call (Felix Rohner - Panart).

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:02 pm

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for me thats an easy answer, of course not. PANart material and tuning is superior and they should continue to concentrate their efforts on making the Hang as beautiful as it is today or better for tomorrow.

The trouble is the supply and demand, we live in a want want want world and if people can't have it they get angry, the BELL will calm those souls for a while but will it fulfil their desire for something that touches that deep inner resonnance, not likely but then a lot of people are not searching for that... the Want and desire to have outweigh the actual owning, some people find that they want something so bad they will do anything to get it, when they get it they move onto something else impossible for that sense of satisfaction that they actually could get it in the first place...

Maybe the reason we see Halo and BELL now appear on eBay is either for sheer greed in making a few quid, or those people actually were not satisfied with the sound they got.

be very interesting to hear of someone that has bought a Halo or a BELL and is not satisfied with its sound... I think unless i'm mistaken we only so far hear from those who have met someone elses instrument.

Good question though Frank, well worth asking.

HangOut in the UK 16th - 18th September 2011, Farnham, UK - a weekend of music from around the world

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:32 pm

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Good day everyone!

Yes, Funky, good question.

I quote you, Kelly:
The trouble is the supply and demand, we live in a want want want world and if people can't have it they get angry, the BELL will calm those souls for a while but will it fulfil their desire for something that touches that deep inner resonnance, not likely but then a lot of people are not searching for that...

Yes, yes, yes, spot on and exactly to the point!!!

Hear this: I bought an imitation of an iPhone last time I've been in Bangkok. Cheap thing (70 bucks), looks exactly like the original product from Apple. Mind you, I've never had an original iPhone in my hands and therefore didn't know what an iPhone is able to perform. The imitation "works", I can make calls and send messages, it's even having two rechargeable batteries and the possibility to put in two SIM-cards. I came back to Switzerland and proudly displayed my new toy... Eventually, a friend of mine came along with his original iPhone and I finally checked his product out. My jaw dropped, my friend had a good laugh at my imitation, and I only then began to understand what a "real iPhone" is like...

Up to today, I then and when deliberately "use" this imitation to joke with people. This object is, as Ixkeys (respectively Sabina from PANArt) put it "aussen fix - innen nix", great outside, nothing inside. I'm not angry at the imitators. The only reason why I am NOT angry is the fact that I "only" payed 70 bucks for it, instead of 1300 (yes fellas, that's as much as the great Apple Inc. charges for a brand new iPhone in Switzerland...)... If I would have payed the same prize as for a real iPhone, I'd probably be mad. At the seller, but most of all at myself.

People wanting a Hang "so bad" should realize, that, when buying a imitation by Luis Eguiguren, they'll go for a cheap and inferior product which will not have the qualities they themselves desire and look for, the qualities of a Hang by PANArt.

If Luis Eguiguren would sell the imitations for let's say 400 bucks, I would not have started this thread. As a matter of fact, I would not even think of all that at all...

But, as the situation currently presents itself, apart from (to me obvious) quality differences, the ethics of a Luis Eguiguren need looking at, as far as it concerns me, also being a maker of musical instruments. I'll tell you something guys: Give me shells in the thickness of 0.8mm and I'll tune 7 or 8 notes at the "speed of light". Give me, let's say 200 bucks for one, I good with that. I'll make 2000 bucks a day. At least... Get my point?


PS: @Ixkeys: Of course pigs can fly! Everyone knows that. How there you to make fun out of this fact!
@Massimiliano: I agree with most of what you say. As well as I consent with your choice of words and expressions. People need waking up, and, sometimes there seems to be no other way than to be rude and rough. Thank you!

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:47 pm

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Hey Werner... great post man, I'm also a freaking Apple products user :D. I 100% agree with you with the example of the imitations trough the iPhone product. About three weeks ago I understood, that I always searched the BEST QUALITY in musical and computing/mobile products... My desperation to get a hang press me to set my name on the bells list... but my brain wake up three weeks ago and said... "WHAT???"" 1.400 € for that instrument? I said myself are you able to buy a ROLEX imitation for the same prize or also HIGHEST price comparing with one original ROLEX model?

By the way I really appreciate the efforts from Pantheon steel, CAISA, Spacedrum etc. trying to making their own vision of the hang, but (FOR ME) there's nothing better in quality and sound like a hang, it is not about adulate or be a kind of "wanna be" with PANART... it's about to be sincerely with myself, I know what I want, and what I want is the quality and sound capabilities of the hang sound sculpture. I pissed of on some Panart statements because as Kelly says we life in a "WANT, WANT,WANT WORLD" and of course I include myself in that life vision when I saw the hang at the first time in my life. I have so many things to demonstrate to myself playing a balanced instrument like a hang, but I not decide when, or how I will get one, I just can decide if I will bought or not a hang or a bell, caisa, halo and bla bla bla. I toke my decision, if there's nothing out there better than a hang it's a kind of situation that I can't change from my position. So let's wait to get a REAL quality product even if people think that now I'm a Panart C__sucker.

Werner let me know if you will build those imitations... I want to be your partner HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! ;-).


 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:29 pm

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I have to say imitations aside this piece of music is beautiful.... regardless of the issues surrounding the cost, material or sound problems with the Bell.

Musically its sweet as :)

HangOut in the UK 16th - 18th September 2011, Farnham, UK - a weekend of music from around the world

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:15 pm

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Questions of musical tastes are a bit off topic in this thread ;-) But you can hear the high absorption of the Bells' tones. The material of the Bells absorbs the sound very quickly. This is an effect of the thin sheet steel and the lack of tension.

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:56 am

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if we all like the same music then things would probably be pretty boring... I don't think its that off topic though, lots of talk about the quality of the BELL compared to the Hang, yes you can clearly hear the sound difference in the vid but together they do work nicely, in my opinion of course :)

HangOut in the UK 16th - 18th September 2011, Farnham, UK - a weekend of music from around the world

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:26 am

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You have soon the chance to compare the quality. I think on the Hangout will be Bellsplayers.
On videos it is not easy. I hear, what Ixkeys said about the absorbation of the tones. For me it is more easy, because I played the Bells a few days ago in real.
Music is only a matter of taste. Nobody said, that you cant play nice melodys on the Bells. The Bells is in tune.

I could not find good words in englisch. The Bellssound "devoured" from the thin Bells material. The sound "die away" very fast.
The radiation is very low compared to the Hang.

If you make something what looks 1:1 like a Hang you must know, that people will compare not only the optical quality.


The hang brings back what we lost: we are touched by an unknown call (Felix Rohner - Panart).

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:16 am

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Hello everybody... yesterday I got the opportunity to test another bell (protus scale). Just to keep you posted about how the "desperate feeling" in order to get something similar than the hang can destroy your expectations... I promise to the bell user not reveal his name, his also a spanish guy and after 1 month with his bell is planning to re-sell the bell on EBAY and other local trade websites like

This guy understood the difference between the bell and the hang because his best friend have an integral hang. Now this guys thoughts that the bell price it's too high in comparison with the hang, after so many hours and jams with other HANG owners he understood that he own a low quality instrument but payed at the same price of the hang. After a month with the PROTUS BELL this guy now just want to recover the investment selling the bell at the same price he bought it. So if you see a protus bell on sale on in the future tat would maybe be this guy. I met this man on the center of Barcelona... playing just for fun in the streets (not a professional busker).

So at this point (AGAIN) guys do whatever you want to do, buy halos, caisas, space drums, whatever you want to calm your inner desperation because maybe you'll never get a hang? but for me it's to HEAVY invest about 1.400 € for an imitation and low quality instrument/soundsculpture.

@ Kelly, I can also make good music stuff playing with a pair of low quality TABLA drums from India (cheapest set start at 100 $ more or less) but the truth is ... if you want to explore a more professional sound like the Zakir Hussain tabla drums sound, you must invest your money in a professional and balanced TABLA drums set + improve your musical technique and passion for the Indian music in order to play as a professional music man like Zakir... or better way, doing your own way to play and improve your music.



 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:31 pm

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it has been a while since i contributed to this forum...... but after just arriving home from this years hangout UK i think i am quite well informed to join the discussions of 'handpan' quality.

this weekend i played and heard over 50 hang and 'similar instruments'

hang -
FIH x 2
IH x 8 or 9?
new generation x 20?
first gengeration x 10?

Halo x 9 or 10?
Bells x 5 or 6?
spacedrum x 2
bali steel pan x 1
and various steel tongue drums.

what an incredible selection of instruments!

i will try and formulate some constructive sentences about my experiences...

any questions?

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:08 am

Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:36 pm
Posts: 32
Hi Micheal,
I'm really looking forward to your opinions on all the different instruments you played at Hangout it will be great to finally get a first hand review rather than speculation.

In anticipation
Frazz :D

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:34 am

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frazzledfozzle wrote:
it will be great to finally get a first hand review rather than speculation.


@frazzledfozzle. In this thread is a lot of "first hand review" and not only speculation.
I had the chance to test the Bells for a few days on a quite place.
I speak a lot of about the quality with the hangmakers and they explained me the differences between Hang and Bells.
We had a very close look on these Bells.
So, you could beliefe that a few people with a very big knowledge about steelpan and Hang building explained me very much about the quality.
I think that is not only speculation.
Other people like Werner and Ixkeys test the Bells personally. This is also not only speculation.

I am absolute confident, that people had fun to jam on Bells, Halo and Hang together. All these instruments are tuned and you could play and make music. The Bells sound is not unpleasant.
There is not much dynamic in the Bellssound and the linearity makes it totally boring after a short time.
For sure this is not important, if you want to jam together with other instruments.
You need a quite place and a few hours and you will feel the difference. The Bells sound is dead. One main reason is the thinness of the metall sheet.


The hang brings back what we lost: we are touched by an unknown call (Felix Rohner - Panart).

 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:36 pm

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ok a first attempt at communicating my impressions of the 'hang and its imitations'.

it seems the bellart bell is the most contentious issue at the moment so i will begin to explain my feelings about the 5 or 6 that i tried...

before i do i must respond to funkys 'dig' at hangout uk not being a place that is 'quiet' enough to hear the hang..... how wrong you are sir! it has been a couple of years since you visited this festival frank and much has changed - it is not 'just jamming' - the biggest improvement was the addition of a 'quiet hang only' space that people were respectful of and intimate hang playing was experienced by many during the weekend - also, as you already know funky, there is a lot of space in the fields and woodland around mellow farm that were quiet enough to play and listen to a hang. the weather was fantastic with little wind!

But the place i tried most of the instruments over the weekend was in my motorhome (which has surprisingly good acoustics - especially in the bathroom). so no more talk about it please.

i have in my possession a bellart bells in the genus scale which i took along to hangout for people to try out at the request of its owner who is travelling in the middle east. I played it for 5 days prior to hangout and i compare my thoughts of this instrument with the same views as stated above - everything is in tune ...but due to the thinner and less tensile strength of the base material and lack of understanding of tone placements and shape (the notes blank punch shapes are very angular compared to hang which must affect the sustain) and heat treatment processes there is little 'life' in this particular instrument -though i would say that it can hold your interest for more than a minute as some have stated! favourable aspect to this bells construction for me is the MASSIVE bass helmholtz that can be generated when striking and partially covering the underside hole (gu?).... at hangoutUK i tried a couple of eastern scaled bells -i very much enjoyed these scales AND they had 'life' in them - playing accurately i could generate rising sympathetic tones from the tone circle whilst playing only the central note (is it appropriate to call it ding?). the sustain on the notes is not as long as most hanghang i have ever heard - which as most of you know is many hundred! also I had a bellart bells made for me when my 'number' on the list came up - it was an olympos scale - when i heard the video sample of this instrument i decided not to buy it due to the 'sustain issues' - i communicated with luis (who all my friends that met him say he is a really nice man) and he told me that he is about to work on 'new metal' as of next month... and honestly the other bells i have encountered were as 'playable' as a first gen hang.
in short there IS life in some bellart bells - but it seems a bit 'hit or miss'.... i believe luis wishes to evolve his skills which i see as a positive... but this issue remains - has luis broken any laws in his country by making these bells? if so he should be accountable for that - if not then he should be encouraged to improve!

Bali Steel - ok my first few seconds playing this gong diao scale was a little funny !! i think i had hang sounds in my mind but heard 'gamelan' sounds coming from the instrument so instantly dismissed it as a poor instrument - but as i played a few minutes i quickly found pleasure in the tones - not a hang at all (but also not sold or likened to one!) -it had a raw energy that could be 'tamed' with delicate and precise play. though the underside had little going for it - minimal helmholtz resonation and quite a sharp rim to the inside.... the thing i liked most about the bali steel pan was the fact that it was bright silver which, when played in direct sunlight has a reflective quality which allows the metal to stay cool and therefore does not change or warp the sonic possibilities (a great bonus for 'buskers' i think!) - its owners had 2 more back in france that they like to play in conjunction with there other instruments... they did tell me a story of getting one which was split around the rim when they received it - which is being replaced by chris of bali steel for no charge.

Pantheon Halo - a formidable piece of steel! i was fortunate to obtain one for a friend that is local to me so i have had access to it for several months. it is full of life and most tones 'activate' other tones and the ding is EPIC in that low C. i played another 6 or 7 at hangout uk and there was one in particular, a brand new one, called golden gate which took my breath away.... it was amazing to feel and hear it..... it was also very interesting to spend 3 days talking to kyle cox and jim dusin and hear them explain their processes - which are vastly different to panart. also it was great to hear how passionate kyle is about his work and how highly he regards felix and sabina for the incredible creation of the hang.

Free Integral Hang - i have ever played only 2 and heard 1 other - . as we know it is not a hang to play with other instruments - after 2 days at hangout hearing almost ONLY western tuned tones at 440Hz it was 'difficult to hear' the FIH at first impression - though i found a quiet place and spend 2-3 minutes gently playing around the ding and 'shoulder' of them before exploring the tone fields - i began to 'feel' the new pitch and it 'sat more comfortably' after a period of playing. one of the FIH i tried was closer to an Eb ding than a D and it 'grated' my feelings a little. the other slightly lower pitched FIH i tried was very pleasing for me to feel. the 'look' of the instrument is 'cheaper' than the gold 2nd gens with some written markings (maybe 'workings out' or small diagrams? ) that had be almost burned away during the heating processes - but this element added more of a personal 'artistic' aspect to the creation.

this post is getting a bit long and i have little time to 'proof read' it and to make ammendments - i'll finish here for now.

please ask for clarification or expansion on any point i have mentioned.


 Post subject: Re: The imitations of the Hang
PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:10 am

Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:36 pm
Posts: 32
Hi Michael,
Thanks very much for your opinions on some of the instruments you played at Hangout, would I be right in thinking that in your opinion for those that can't have a Hang the Halo would be next best thing?
Obviously bearing in mind that the Hang and the Halo are 2 different animals :)
Is the Halo a reasonable substitute?


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