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 Post subject: Rust inside the Hang?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:13 am

Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:48 pm
Posts: 507
Location: Deutschland, NRW
Today user Zorlee posted a before and after video on showing an inspection of the inside of a 2nd generation Hang. Worried because he/she detected rust, he/she used the miracle cloth to remove the rust and plans to use steel wool now to be completely successful.

Because this forum post could make Hang owners worrying about rust inside the Hang I'ld like to post some clarifications here:

Watching the before part of Zorlee's video I am not able to detect any problem. Hang owners doing the same inspection inside their Hang and it looks like this don't have a problem. There are a lot of dark, brown or black areas or spots on the surface. This is just as a Hang looks inside.

Even more: Since 2009 oxidation of the surface of the Hang (inside and outside) is an important part of the Hang making process. This oxidation process improves the corrosion protection. Before the final treatment of the surface, the outside of a Free Integral Hang looks quite rusty like this:


As the inside surface isn't treated like the outside surface you will find the inside of a Hang built since 2009 looking similar to the picture above. This is not a problem. It is as it should be. Also on older Hanghang you will find dark spots and areas on the surface of the inside.

A real corrosion problem may look like this:


So if you make an inspection of the inside of your Hang and it looks like in the video posted by Zorlee, don't worry. You don't have a problem. In contrary: I strongly recommend not to try to remove the dark spots and areas. And never use steel wool for this useless procedure. You can make it only worse.

The inside of a Hang isn't made to look clean and shiny! If you try to make it look shiny you probably will get a corrosion problem after this procedure.


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